
Happy New Year!

January 01, 2008

A very Happy New Year to all our customers! The past year was successful for us, and we enjoyed working with you. Thanks to all of you for your trust in us and our services!

Growth in our work

July 10, 2007

SpecForge has exhibited significant growth by mid-year 2007, and continues its ongoing commitment to offer the best service to its customers. Several new positions were recently added in various areas within the company. Two fulltime employees were added in electrical engineering and firmware design. This increase in staff was due to company growth of more than 20% growth, with the total number of customers increasing by almost one-fourth. Most of these new clients were from American & Russian companies.

Specforge plans

February 07, 2007

Beginning in 2007, Specforge plans to focus on workflow optimization, which will result in further volume growth and QA improvement. The focus of QA is in three general areas: PEOPLE - to improve their contribution and effectiveness in the organization by enabling them to create realistic workable and creative solutions to problems of change, people and resources. PROCESSES –to improve business processes efficiency and effectiveness by significantly reducing error rates and cycle time. We assist companies on how to do things better, faster, and at a lower cost. PURPOSE – to set the right climate for successful organizational performance. In addition to setting demanding goals, successful organizations work on matching goals with expectations of their people in regard to their beliefs, attitudes and values. Customer communication will also be enhanced and improved.

CeBit 2006

April 10, 2006

Week-long IT Trade Show CEBIT in Hannover, Germany. This was a large show, featuring over 5000 companies and over 26 exhibition halls. SpecForge was able to discuss technical questions with leaders in the electronics world market.

Corporate Web site

October 18, 2005

The corporate web site was launched, and both the design and contents of the site were created.