We've added such feature which supports fast playback mode up to 2 minutes duration. In this mode, you can view the video at a speed of x0,5 to x5. If you want activate this mode, click on timeline. To return to normal playback rate, press «live». This mode is useful to see what you missed. You can see it on test server http://specforge.com/html5playerstream/
We have added the support of sound AAC to free HTML5 h.264 RTSP Player on Github. The sources were updated. Link to live test stream with sound https://specforge.com/html5playerstream/ to check sound.
We have posted HTML5 h.264 RTSP Player on GitHUB for free using. Link to live test server running with websock_rtsp_proxy and test page html5_rtsp_player live test Desription, example and source code for this player you can find on github SpecForge/html5_rtsp_player
Finish developpment of rtsp html5 player on javascript for rtsp streaming over websocket - works for main browsers and mobile platform to view live streaming. It's instead of Flash plyer (now web browsers in fact stop supporting Flash player). The part of NVR.