For launch the OS on microprocessor devices is used special system software, called bootloader. Loader checks board configuration, configures basic elements: clock generators, on-chip oscillators, frequency dividers, interface controllers, memory controllers, etc.; and then load the OS in memory and transfers control to enable it to start working. For most microprocessors, manufacture provides board development (reference boards) and loaders source code, in which are set operating frequencies, memory and board hardware environment.
As developed by us microprocessor boards have different from reference hardware environment, the number of interfaces, change partitions of NAND flash chip, memory type and size, NAND chip models, different NOR, that for particular loading of bootloader and OS necessary to apply changes in source code, check the work result, with help of measuring instruments and analyzers or indirect ways, to make sure that everything was configured correctly.
U-Boot and RedBoot modification under current hardware of developed boards: change in operating frequency of processor and periphery, memory type, available memory size and address space, parameters that passed to kernel OS, debug ports, change of file system type, etc. Preparing boot images for firmware in device.